Sunday, March 02, 2008

Deirdre N. McCloskey tells it like it is in her book "Economical Writing":

"You will have done some research (this is known as "thinking" and "reading" and "calculating") and are sitting down to write. Sitting down to write can be a problem, for it is then that your subconscious, which is dismayed by the anxiety of filling up blank pieces of paper, suggests that it would be ever so much more fun to do the dishes or to go get the mail. Sneak up on it and surprise it with the ancient recipe for success in intellectual pursuits: locate chair; apply rear end to it; locate writing implement; use it."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nick

Where can I get this book? It sounds like this lady's got the right idea.

I've got an awful lot of work to do myself, but if I can find a place to buy this book, I really ought to go and do that first.

Talking procrastination, I've started a blog myself. It's uninteresting at the moment, but I've found a cool bit of trumpet playing on youtube that I've embedded. Do you still play piano? I'm hoping to start trumpet again but I'll never get this good.

3:20 PM  

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